Sharon Elizabeth Photography
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Off Camera Lighting

ff camera flash (OCF)..... oh man how I used to be intimidated by it.... The overwhelming options for flashes... what the heck is a beauty dish.. what does a trigger do... Years ago - I was intimidated... and scared.. and clueless when it came to off camera lighting.... 
I took workshops -- studied online -- took online workshops... and honestly, I just couldn't get the hang of it.... 
Until my good friends Justin + Mary came to Richmond with their Lighting Intensive Workshop!!! This workshop helped me look at light differently... it didn't have to be this big scary thing... but MOST importantly -- it didn't have to LOOK like OFF CAMERA LIGHT. 
That was KEY for me. I remember when I first started my business and because OCF was so intimidating... I would simply tell people that I was a natural light photographer... but it was only because I had no clue what I was doing with flash.... and now I can proudly say -- yes I'm a natural light photographer... but I can rock out any lighting situation thrown at me.... do you know how much more comforting that is for a CLIENT.  
I know that it can all seem SO daunting and overwhelming -- but I want you to know it doesn't have to be so hard!!!  
I get a lot of inquiries requesting a mentoring session or workshop on lighting.... and I do NOT offer training on this topic outside of my own SEP team.... I have no interest in teaching lighting and to be honest.... I wouldn't do nearly as good of a job as Justin + Mary would with it.  
They talk about their WHY... they teach you how to make OCF look like NATURAL light.... they break down any and every scenario possible for you... and I tell you Justin talks about lighting like he invented it. They are ALWAYS the photographers that I refer my own mentees to.  
You have the opportunity to grab their Lighting Guide TODAY if you want... or TOMORROW... it's an intensive guide where they break it all down for you!!!! They also travel all over offering lighting workshops -- which I also highly recommend!!! Justin and Mary are both SO giving and no questions are off limits!!! If you're interested in the online guide -- you can use the code 'SHARON' for 50$ in savings!!!  
If you're wanting to take your wedding portraits to the next level -- understanding your lighting is going to be KEY in doing so!