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Allison | Mentoring Session

ot only do I love mentoring sessions because it allows me to take part in my other life passion - teaching... but also because it allows me to grab funny photos of my 'mentees'!!!! =) I know I've mentioned before how much I love teaching, but I wanted to talk a little more about it. You don't mind right?!?! =) 
So insert four-eyed girl here... That's me. Full of a desire to give with no idea how to do it. 
Fast forward a couple years... Age 17.. I still remember my college essay... I remember writing it.. and I remember the title.  
'I will become' 
It talked about my childhood, my hopes, my dreams... and how no matter what I 'wanted' in life -- I would become it.  
This college essay will always be ingrained in my heart.... it was the first time I actually wrote out the part of my inner-self - that for so long I had denied. 
The confident side. The 'comfortable with myself' side. 
Why do we do that to ourselves -- deny ourselves compliments, deny ourselves greatness, for fear of being confident and judged?! Believe in yourself... because it's the only way you'll ever get anywhere. But I digress. 
So college essay.... I've never thrown that essay away - I've kept it.  
In the midst of me finding myself in that paper, I remember writing that I wanted to be a Softball Coach and I wanted to be a teacher... and that 'I would become' those things... I had always loved photography - always kept a camera in my hands, but I never imagined it could be a 'life' for me. I didn't even know it was possible. 
My first two years of college were spend as an Education major - I coached a traveling softball team as well as a Collegiate team at a local University.  
I was becoming who I had always wanted to be.... who I finally had the courage to write about. 
I feel like when you 'write' something out - it becomes true... It holds a weight that 'thoughts' just don't have. 
It creates a promise, that you can't break. 
And although I ended up graduating with a degree in Psychology and Law -- and my life has taken me down a unique path (business owner, who would have guessed)... I am still able to delight in my life passions....  
'Coaching'... if you will. (and I was actually able to play a little bit of ball this year before Little Ava came along). 
Not only do I see myself as a photographer... but I see myself as a teacher -- I always have. I believe in purpose and I believe in passion. 
And I know that I've found both.  
So to the 17 year old Sharon, thank you for finally believing in yourself - can you believe how far you've come. 
You're teaching - you're learning - you're going to be a Mommy. You have done incredible things with your life, and I'm so thankful you finally had the courage to believe in yourself... and to actually write about it.  
You have become..... everything you ever wanted -- and more. 
Love always, the woman you've become. 
Here are a few shots from Allison's Mentoring Session. 
Special thanks to Tiffany for modeling
Lol -- Allison, don't kill me. I laugh every time I look at this <3