Sharon Elizabeth Photography
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Who are MY clients

In this industry that is photography.... photographers are urged to find out who their 'target' market is... their 'target' client... 
They're urged to find out what kinds of people they want to work with.... who they want to take pictures of. 
Photographers are told that you can't market to EVERYONE.... no way.. no how. 
It just wouldn't work.... 
Which is why it's important to know who you are... and who you want to appeal to. 
So a couple years ago, I asked myself... 
Who is my target market!?!?! 
Who do I want to work with?!!? 
My target market... gets it
They get what this whole life thing is about. 
They appreciate the simple things.... They aren't flashy or fancy. 
Hands out the window and music blaring suits them just fine. 
Hotdogs and hamburgers with the family on Sunday is the perfect way to end the weekend.... 
My clients are out-going, but not in an 'annoying' way... They're just happy people and aren't afraid to smile or laugh at themselves...  
They're grateful... and they love with their whole heart. 
They value photography... and not just for the pictures... 
But for the memories they're creating. 
They value holding hands with their husband... or feeling beautiful in an entirely different way. 
They're secretly confident but humble in every way, 
And they don't apologize for being themselves. 
They're kind, sweet, and witty. 
My clients are never boring. 
They are self-less.... 
They spend more time giving than they do taking.... 
And never need a 'thank you' for it. 
My clients enjoy themselves and realize life is too short to worry about little things. 
My clients.... just get it. 
And not everyone gets it, and that's okay with me.... but for those out there that do... 
YOU are the few that I want to work with. 
And my clients understand that if you make an awful face for the camera..... you should be forced to share it with everyone..  
I mean it was your idea in the first place..... to make that awful silly face! 
Because... my clients know... 
Not every picture has to be perfect