his sweet family.... love them so much and I'm so grateful to have spent some time with them -- they came in from all the way from NY.... my little yankee friends hahaha!!!!
Lisa has one of the kindest souls and is madly in love with her family.... her and Madi are still so affectionate with each other even though she's practically grown now =)
Love their hearts... and their... View This Post >

When a guest asks you to Vegas to marry him... in two weeks... View This Post >

t's not often that I photograph families anymore... usually just for my own close friends/family OR for a family that has been with me from the beginning!!!! But if there's one family you'll ever see on my blog it's this one and those CUTE little faces!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE their outfits and this session!!!! View This Post >G
uess what time it is?!?!?!!? It's time to hire some more folks again for the SEP team!!!
From 2008-2012, I feel like I really spent my time learning and growing MYSELF as a photographer and as a business owner... and from 2012 until now - I've really been able to begin growing my business and truly helping OTHER photographers... What a BLESSING.
So for positions... right now... View This Post >
ianna and Andrew are absolutely ADORABLE..... and Rory is PRECIOUS!!!!!! With lipstick kisses all over her... those curls... those eyes... Rory is perfect in every single way! What a sweet family... it was a JOY photographing them!!! Tianna has mentored with me, allowed me to photograph her, and now her family -- what a blessing!!! I don't often take on family sessions, because I... View This Post >
o fluff... let's just get to it....
Today only..... the 2015 Sweet + Lacey Workshop... only 499$ (plus tax)--- November 8th is the date so mark your calendars!!!! After today... seats are 750 + tax!!!!!
Online Gallery Sales until Monday -- for all current clients!!!!
And my 2015 SEP Brides (who booked me as their lead photographer) just got an awesome email for an EXCITING... View This Post >
knew that I wanted my wedding business to be a little different.... I didn't want my brides being surprised with who they were going to have on the wedding day... I wanted to have a second shooter... not hire different second shooters. This was VERY important to me... I wanted this person to become a part of my brand... my business... and be long term.
Almost 3 years ago - I... View This Post >
elp... it's that time again... end of the year... How in the world did that happen!?! How in the world am I 33 weeks already!?!? And HOW IN THE WORLD IS AVA ALREADY OVER FIVE POUNDS?!?!!?
This year has FLOWN by.. and with my maternity leave quickly approaching (praisesweetbabyjesus-imsotiredandwanttosleep).... I won't be blogging as much for a while.. womp-womp... SO before these... View This Post >