Sharon Elizabeth Photography
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Lisa + Maddie | Smithfield, Virginia

isa reached her hand back behind the seat...... and rested it on Maddie's lap... Maddie grabbed her hand - and we rode...  
After a few miles, I looked back over to sweet Maddie who was sitting next to me in the back seat -- and she was smiling, still holding tightly to her mom's hand.  
The windows were down, the radio was up....and Kasey and Maddie held their arms out the window - waving at truckers in hopes that they'd honk back. They did.... and we all laughed. 
Maddie looked over at Lisa and Kasey and jokingly admitted, sometimes she forgets who her 'real' mom is.... She loves Kasey like an aunt and Lisa loves Kasey like a sister. Kasey - yells at Lisa.. in a best friend, I love you til forever kind of way.... to slow down... to not miss her turn... and to sing along with her. 
It was road-trip time... and that meant don't get pulled over and hands belong out the window. 
Sugar got added to sweet tea... so that it wouldn't taste like tea from back home - from New York. Sweet tea just isn't the same 'back there'... and so with empty sugar packets on the table - Maddie and Lisa would play footsie below and Kasey would look through pictures on her phone.  
Everyone was smiling. Everyone was happy. 
At stop-lights.... when changing lanes....and in the midst of the wind blowing loudly in our hair.... Lisa would look in her mirror and with a smile say -- "I love you baby girl" and not in a way to put on a show or for any other reason than the fact that Maddie was her everything and she loved her deeply.  
Kasey would look at Lisa and tell her how pretty she was... and Lisa would roll her eyes - knowing her hair was a mess.  
Best friend - Sisters. They loved each other. 
So here's to making road-trips, singing at the top of your lungs and telling that 'someone' how much you love them every time it comes to mind. 
PS.... Here is a little home video I put together of their road-trip!!!! 
Press play and then select HD on the taskbar 
Huge thanks to Chelsea and Kristine for making these girls feel beautiful!