Sharon Elizabeth Photography
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Why I'll never be a 'rockstar'

he term 'rockstar' is used very often in our photo industry... 'rockstar photographer' if you will.... Usually this photographer is widely known in the photo world... travels often... speaks at conventions.. among many other things considered 'rockstarish'.... 
I am not a rockstar photographer.... and I genuinely do not wish to become one. 
I think these rockstar photogs are AWESOME... they get to travel the world and see so many amazing places... meet so many amazing people.. and I LOVE following their journeys!!! 
But... I have Ava.... and even before I had Ava... I wanted an Ava. 
Besides that... I've never had a desire to become "rich and famous"... or well-known... when I was little.. I never wanted to become an actor... or a singer... 
maybe because my singing is so bad it would burn holes in your eardrums... but that's besides the point 
I wanted to become a teacher.... and a coach... and a psychologist... 
The person behind the scenes... helping... 
I've just always wanted to be a helper. 
I cannot even imagine traveling EVERY week for work... most people think I'm an extrovert.. and I will admit... I have extroverted tendencies.. but most of the time... I'm a nerdy-introvert who wears double glasses... 
I want to be at home... and if I travel -- I want my family with me.. and I don't want to work... 
I don't want to speak to thousands of people... I want to help the girl next door who just got her camera and doesn't even know how to turn it on... 
I want to help the small-town photographer who needs to learn how to set up packages and find her market. 
I want to talk to a group of 10 photographers... I want to know them all by name... and I want to wear blue jeans.... 
And denim jackets..... 
And socks and flipflops... 
You can't wear socks and flipflops when you're a rockstar.... 
I GENUINELY appreciate the 'rockstar' photogs in our industry... but knowing how I am and what I 'desire' out of life... I just simply cannot imagine how they do what they do... so even though I may not ENVY them.. I certainly appreciate them and respect them.... because I couldn't do what they do!!! 
But.. I guess I just wanted to throw it out there... (because I often have people ask me why I don't travel more... or speak more.. or shoot more at XYZ destination.. and I love them for that..) because I just don't 'see' myself doing those things... I don't 'want' to do those things. 
I want to have a max number of weddings each year... I want to spend Tuesday nights at home eating pizza and wings... (true life story folks)... and I want to be simple... 
I really am such a simple person.... 
But I don't think that's such a bad thing... I guess my point is... just be yourself.. whether you want to travel the world... or sit at home and eat hot wings... you're still awesome... and whether you want to wear socks and flipflops - or designer clothes... you're still awesome.. and I'll still like all of your instagram photos...  
or... you can disregard everything you just read and take Ava's route.. and just be a badass.... 
when the daddy dresses his little girl... lol