Sharon Elizabeth Photography
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What we do

ometimes... and usually only because of something someone says... I struggle with my 'importance' in this life... as a "photographer"... and if you know anything about me -- you should know that my importance and my purpose.. are both extremely important to who I am... and how I live.  
As a photographer.... I totally get the value and importance of what I do... but sometimes I feel as though I'm looked down upon.... in an 'OH.. you're a photographer.... yeh I'm a (insert important job here)' kind of way.... 
And I'm reminded that -- holy crap... I'm not saving lives... I'm not curing cancer... I'm not getting bad guys off the street... 
I'm just taking pictures. 
Excuse my french....  
actually... no -- don't excuse it... 
It IS... bullshit. 
I may not be saving lives... but I'm certainly capturing them... you may not appreciate it NOW... but when a life is lost -- those photos... they'll be everything you have... and I did that. 
I may not be curing cancer... but I'm certainly giving hope to those who are fighting cancer... giving them hope that their beauty isn't lost... despite the hair-loss.. despite the changes... 
I may not be a doctor... or a lawyer... or anything that screams 'importance'... but damnit... I matter...  
I may not matter now.... and I may not matter to you yet....  
But I will...