Sharon Elizabeth Photography
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The truth behind your images

hat if I were to tell you that the images you take are a reflection of your truest self. Maybe you're not at the place you want to be as a photographer, well that longing you have - to get your images to that certain point -- that's where your truest self lies. Your authentic self. The purest version of you
But here's the catch... we are always so busy shooting for our clients and for others - that it's really easy to lose ourselves in our work... truly lose ourselves.  
We have a tendency to drift away from the creativity and passion.. We have a tendency to focus so much on the end result, the technicality, the exposure - that we miss the big picture, the art piece.  
Don't get me wrong, I think it's extremely important and necessary to be technically correct, to properly expose, and to get darn good pictures. 
But not at the sake of losing yourself - your truest self... in the process. 
Ask yourself, what is it about this passion of yours, that drives you - that motivates you?! 
For me, it's always been bringing out the purest form of beauty in a woman... it's always been creating an organic image of a couple's truest connection. 
And this is certainly a reflection of my authentic self. For so long, I hid from the world, and from myself - the tough girl, never wanting to share my vulnerable side... so I make it a point, to bring that out in all of my female clients. 
Before Chase, I never knew love. I never really knew "that" side of myself before him... and because of him I see love completely different now. 
It's organic and passionate. It's not forced or rehearsed. 
And that's my goal for my couple's sessions -- to capture two people, in love... as simple as that. 
So again, what is it REALLY about photography that drives you?! And don't just tell yourself, to capture memories.. to stop a moment in time. It's more than that - you know it, I know it, and it's about time you allow yourself to answer it without fear of judgement. 
In order to really succeed as a photographer (and by succeed as a photographer, I mean be happy with your work) -- you have to know yourself and why you're doing it in the first place. 
Your truest self... will keep you up all hours of the night.. will lead you to texting your client at 1:30am with excitement... 
and will leave your heart singing.