Ashley Dawn: almost every picture in my house is by you... at some point or other in your "journey" I love it. I go into some of my friends/family's houses and cringe at the photos that I took for them! We all start somewhere and if we keep chugging along we will get "there" one day! Thanks for sharing!!! :) November 25, 2014 at 12:31 PM
Emily Whited : I love love this blog!! I get so down on myself when I dont get a good shot.. or miss an amazing shot. I know I am just starting out; like a newborn baby here haha! But I do not know why I expect to be better than what I am. This blog showed me that if I want this bad enough I will work for it and not just ask people for help. I will help myself! Thank you for this it really opened my eyes! And seeing some of your first pictures it is amazing! You are such a talented and amazing person inside and out!! November 25, 2014 at 10:55 AM